Sustainable growth of SMEs

Creșterea durabila a IMM

Investments for the sustainable growth of SMEs

What is funded:

Investments for the development and/or diversification of the production capacity/providing services through the recovery, reuse and revalorization of raw materials, materials and products by re-introducing them into the main manufacturing process or through the creation of new products/services, for the development of new economic activities necessary for the integration in value chains;

Investments to promote industrial symbiosis by capitalizing own waste and secondary products as raw materials for other industries;

Studies regarding the environmental footprint of the company;

Marketing and branding;

Certification of new products/services

Eligible beneficiaries: SMEs


Supporting documents:



Call status: upcoming

Financial allocation:
30 mil. euros

RSO 1.3. Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments info.

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