Visual identity
Communication and visibility
Together, we aim to ensure the visibility of funding from the European Union, permanently emphasizing the positive impact and benefits resulting from the implementation of the North-East Regional Program 2021-2027.
Beneficiaries are responsible for the implementation of communication and visibility activities in relation to the non-reimbursable financial assistance obtained through the North-East Regional Program 2021-2027, in accordance with those declared in the funding application and with the provisions of Art. 50 and Annex IX of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 establishing common provisions.
In carrying out the communication and visibility measures, the beneficiaries will take into account the provisions of the Visual Identity Guide 2021-2027 approved by the Order of the Minister of Investments and European Projects no. 3040/2022, with subsequent amendments and additions.
Communication about the EU is not a burden, but an opportunity for information and promotion, beneficial for all!