REGIO communicators
REGIO North-East Network of communicators
The Management Authority for the North-East Regional Programmme 2021-2027 has the responsibility to make all target groups (potential beneficiaries, beneficiaries and the general public) aware of the funds available through the Programme, as well as to increase the level of transparency of spending these funds.
For the implementation of these, the North-East Regional Development Agency, as the Management Authority for the North-East Regional Programme 2021-2027, laid the foundations of North-East REGIO Network of Communicators.
The North-East Regio communicator network was established in September 2009, within the North-East Regional Programme 2007-2013 and continued its activity in the period 2014-2020. Currently the network has approximately 220 members, the main activity of which is sending emails to members, with an average of 50 messages per year, covering topics of interest about the evolution of the Regional Program, funding opportunities, information on conferences and seminars, etc.
The specific objectives of the network are:
- Creating a system of inter-institutional cooperation;
- Creation, development and continuous improvement of communication tools used by network members;
- Facilitating the exchange of best practices in the field of promoting the Regional Program and its brand, Regio.
The network operates on the basis of voluntary and free membership of public or private institutions and organizations in the North-East region.
The advantages of network members are as follows:
- receive, in real time, verified and synthesized information regarding the Regional Program 2021-2027;
- receive all publications, information materials or promotional materials dedicated to the promotion of REGIO, within the limits of the stocks made by the Management Authority;
- receive and can request reference documents
- are invited to participate in information events, seminars, workshops dedicated to the Regional Program;
- can propose the organization of joint events together with MA for its own collaborators, on topics related to promoting and encouraging the absorption of Regio funds at the regional level;
- they can benefit from lecturers from MA at events organized for their own collaborators, on topics related to the implementation and absorption of structural funds or regional development;
- receive consultancy and specialist assistance in order to organize events (seminars, workshops, meetings) dedicated to the promotion of REGIO.
More information on how to become a member can be found on the Romanian version of this page.
Supporting documents