Energy efficiency public buildings – Towns

Eficiență energetică clădiri publice – Orașe

Investments in public buildings to increase energy efficiency – Towns

What is funded:

Investments in public buildings in order to increase energy efficiency, by improving the thermal insulation of the building envelope, frames and coverings,

Creation/rehabilitation/modernization of ventilation and air conditioning systems of mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery, including passive cooling systems,

Creation/rehabilitation/modernization of the heating/cooling and domestic hot water supply system, as well as the purchase, replacement, installation of related equipment and connection to central heating systems, where appropriate,

The purchase and installation of equipment that promotes the use of renewable energy sources (except biomass), to ensure the building’s energy needs,

Implementation of energy management systems aimed at improving energy efficiency and monitoring energy consumption,

Other activities that lead to the achievement of the project’s objectives (eg: measures to strengthen the building, replacement/modernization of frames and coverings, replacement/repair/modernization of elevators, replacement of electrical circuits, dismantling/installation works of installed installations and equipment, repair works for facades, the arrangement of roofs and green facades, etc.);

Beneficiary: towns

Supporting documents



Call status: upcoming

Financial allocation: 23,84 mil euros

RSO 2.1. Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions info.

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